Address to LaunchVic, Victoria's startup agency, Centrepiece, Melbourne Park..
Doorstop interview discusses coal mine development and implementing the Australian Domestic Gas Supply Mechanism.
Interview discusses skilled migration; skills shortages; Jobs and Skills Summit; Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan; and China in the Pacific.
Topics included the Skills and Jobs summit and technology sector.
Topics included climate change bill, nuclear power, luxury car tax and Parliamentary dress code.
Interview discusses gas prices and supply, nuclear power, emissions targets and Indigenous Voice to Parliament.
Doorstop discusses the tech roundtable, the Jobs and Skills Summit, skills shortages, VET and TAFE training, and the white paper on employment.
Interview discusses the ACCC Gas Inquiry interim report, Australian Domestic Gas Security Mechanism, energy supplies, David Mundy retirement.
Topics included climate change legislation. gas supply, fuel excise, and technology industry workers.
ACCC Gas inquiry report, the Australian Domestic Gas Security Mechanism