Media Releases

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. Showing 391 to 398 out of 398 results.

The final report of Western Australia’s inquiry into sexual harassment of women in the mining industry makes shocking reading.

Today the Australian quantum computing company Silicon Quantum Computing (SQC) has announced the world’s first integrated circuit manufactured at the atomic scale two years ahead of schedule and is leading the world in developing silicon-based quantum computing. 

Joint media release with the Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and the Minister for Climate Change and Energy Chris Bowen

The Australian Government is committed to taking more ambitious action on climate change.

Joint media release with the Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and the Assistant Minister for Climate Change and Energy, Senator Jenny McAllister

The Australian Government is committed to taking more ambitious action on climate change.

The first stone has today been turned in the construction of a new deep space antenna in regional Western Australia, as part of a multi-million dollar collaboration between the Australian Space Agency and the European Space Agency (ESA).

The Federal Government welcomes the Australian Energy Market Operator's (AEMO) decision to temporarily suspend the wholesale spot market. 

Joint media release with Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and Northern Territory Chief Minister Natasha Fyles

A series of NASA rockets will be launched into space from the Northern Territory later this month, with the Australian Government signing-off on a history-making moment for the local space sector.

Australian shoppers are encouraged to back our manufacturers and the jobs they create by supporting local this Australian Made Week.