Research station to power agriculture into future
Joint media release with Minister for Agriculture Senator the Hon Bridget McKenzie and Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction and Member for Hume the Hon Angus Taylor MP
Australia’s national science agency, CSIRO today opened its new $11.5 million agriculture research station in southern NSW, purpose-built to future proof the agriculture industry.
Minister for Industry, Science and Technology Karen Andrews said CSIRO’s Boorowa Agricultural Research Station demonstrates the nation’s investment and commitment to innovative agriculture.
“We’re aiming for an Australian agriculture industry worth $100 billion by 2030. Cutting-edge research and technology will be key to achieving that goal,” Minister Andrews said.
“Implemented across all Australian production sectors, digital agriculture has the potential to lift the value of agricultural production by $20.3 billion.
“Equipped with state-of-the-art digital agriculture technologies, including sensors for real-time crop monitoring, weather stations and digital analytics, the research station will develop and test world-leading farming technologies.”
Minister for Agriculture Bridget McKenzie heralded the 290 hectare facility as a commitment to supporting farmers navigate uncertain times ahead.
“This is a particularly significant milestone for the industry and farming community Australia-wide given the crippling effects of drought,” Minister McKenzie said.
“I congratulate CSIRO on this digitally-enabled facility that will equip us with decision making tools, climate adapted crops and the ability to monitor farms at unprecedented levels of accuracy.”
Minister for Energy and Emissions Reduction and Member for Hume Angus Taylor has championed for the agricultural research station at Boorowa from the beginning.
“This is an exciting opportunity for the Boorowa region to contribute to and benefit from emerging agricultural-technologies,” Minister Taylor said.
“Having farmers and researchers - experts in their respective fields – working together will deliver better outcomes for consumers, but importantly will better inform farmers across Australia.”
CSIRO is transitioning to Boorowa from its 60 year old Ginninderra Experimental Station in Canberra, where a wide range of high-yielding, disease resistant varieties of wheat were trialled and refined over the years as well as the wholegrain BARLEYmax and ultra-low gluten, Kebari® barley.
The Boorowa Agricultural Research Station is supported by the Science and Industry Endowment Fund and the Grains Research and Development Corporation.
Media contacts:
Minister Andrews' office 02 6277 7070
Minister McKenzie's office 02 6277 7190
Minister Taylor's office 02 6277 7120