Report on automotive outcomes and best practice revealed

Joint media release with Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash, Minister for Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business

The success of the Liberal National Government’s support programs to help transition retrenched car manufacturing workers has been backed by a new report released today.

The Transition of the Australian Car Manufacturing Sector: Outcomes & Best Practice Summary Report, has found that more than four out of five retrenched workers are now back in employment.

Minister for Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business, Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash, said the report details outcomes for workers following one of the most significant industry adjustments seen in Australia’s manufacturing sector – the closure of the Ford, Holden and Toyota car manufacturing plants in 2016 and 2017.

"The report found that thanks to the decisive action of the Coalition Government, 82 per cent of workers in the jobs market were working again, with 4 per cent of these starting their own business," Minister Cash said.

The report identifies best practice in supporting worker transition, such as providing career advice, extensive training support, health and wellbeing initiatives and ongoing job search assistance.

"Employers have an important role to play in helping displaced workers prepare for new jobs, whether that be inside their organisation or elsewhere.

"The lessons of this transition provide a best practice blueprint for employers and government on how to support workers impacted by restructuring."

Minister for Industry, Science and Technology Karen Andrews MP said the Coalition Government put a range of measures in place to ensure the best transition possible.

"The successful outcomes for car-industry workers shows what happens when industry and government work together, in a socially responsible way, to support any transition.

"The Coalition also ensured support for many of the businesses in the supply chain affected by the closures and has helped many of them to adapt and pursue new advanced manufacturing opportunities."

Thanks to the Coalition – in conjunction with Victorian and South Australian Governments – providing assistance both before and after the transition was especially important, as was the three-year notice period provided by car manufacturers, to help workers prepare themselves for new opportunities.

The Stronger Transitions package provides support for retrenched workers in five regions by working in partnership with local employers to deliver transition support.

Ford, Holden and Toyota continue to maintain a strong presence in Australia providing employment opportunities in engineering, research and development, design, sales, marketing and corporate roles.

The Morrison Government has a raft of support programs for retrenched workers.

The recently launched Skills Match tool, hosted on Job Outlook, helps job seekers to identify skills that are transferable to other industries.

Since 1 July this year, retrenched workers and their partners have immediate access to employment services, before becoming eligible for income support.

Employers can contact the department at retrenchment [at] or call the Employment Services Information line on 131 715 to discuss government support available for retrenched workers.

To see the report and find more information about assistance available to job seekers and employers visit:

Media contacts:

Minister Andrews' office 02 6277 7070

Minister Cash's office 02 6277 7610